Monday, November 9, 2009

The Daisy's meet!

What a good meeting today! We had a new Daisy join us today and a new one last week--welcome girls!! Today we started our new Daisy book for this year--"Between Earth and Sky". It is about taking a trip with some flowers from the Daisy Flower Garden. They are taking a trip from Maine to Alaska. We will be on the journey with them learning about our Earth, nature, water and the world around us. Inbedded in each lesson is parts of the Girl Scout Law that as Daisy's it is important to learn in order to know the basis behind being a Girl Scout. We got to take a "nature hike" around the schoolyard and learned the Friendship handshke and circle. AFter these lessons are complete-the girls will earn several badges. Thanks to Seria's mom who brought materials for the girls to make a necklace or bracelet and brought treat bags for the girls. We weren't originally scheduled to meet the Monday of Thanksgiving due to school being out. But now it looks like school will be in session on that Monday, so our Daisy's will be meeting that Monday. Thanks moms (and dads)for all your help and for letting be a part of your child's life.

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