Monday, January 25, 2010

Repost from Feb. information

There are a few items of interest I wanted to make sure everyone knew about. First of all, I need the cookie orders in my hands on Jan. 30th. I will be at Dairy Queen in Grayson from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM. If you are not able to bring the sales paper to me at this time, please contact me beforehand. Another option is to bring the order forms to school on the 29th and give it to the secretary and I will pick it up that afternoon after school. A third option is to bring it to my home at some point that weekend. I will leave it up to you which you choose, but please let me know if it is some other time than Saturday the 30th. I will be inputing these orders over a few days time and the cookies should be in towards the end of February. I will not be able to apply for a cookie booth sale site until after January 25th. I will let you know the information about that as soon as I find out.

There are other patches the girls can get for cookie sales (I just discovered): the booth sales patch, goal getter patch, smart cookies patch and the cookie share path. For the Goal Getter Patch, go to and click on cookie info. Go to bottom of page and click on “catch goals” and fill out information. As the selling goal for our troop I put 1000 boxes. For the Booth sales patch, the child has to help in booth sales. For the Smart Cookies Patch, go to, click on volunteer tab, then click on girl age level (brownie or daisy) and complete 2 activities from the list. It says to print out the final sheet to show to me for proof—I will take the parent at their word, but please let me know when you turn in your order form if the girls met the requirements for the patch. For the cookie share patch, we aren’t doing anything formally, but I have been asking people if they want to buy extra boxes of cookies to donate to the Food Pantry in town. Then we are responsible to get those cookies to the food pantry when they come in. That is how to get that patch.

In February, the Girl Scouts celebrate “World Thinking Day”. This is an important day when girl scouts around the world celebrate other countries and the fact that there are girl scouts everywhere. I am going to have a special meeting for this day on Saturday, February 20th, from 12 PM till ??? at First Church of Christ in Grayson.
This activity is for both the Brownies and Daisy’s. We will be learning about a particular country and will have activities and snacks that celebrate that country. The girls will also be getting their Trefoil pins. I really would love for all the girls to attend this activity if possible. If any of them need a ride to or from the activity, let me know. Hopefully the cookies will be in by then and you all can pick them up—we will see with fingers crossed!

Thanks for all you do!

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