Sunday, October 18, 2009


Welcome to our website! I am soooo excited to be the troop leader to these troops! My hope is for the girls in this troop to learn how to be strong and courageous women, to take pride in their own thoughts and ideas, to be able to stand firm in their beliefs, to be truthful and honest citizens, to treat others with respect and kindness and to overall have FUN!!! Our meetings are a mixture of learning what it means to be a Girl Scout and to learn new ways of thinking and to figure out what interests each girl. We will take our journey together and learn to be a team and sisters to each other. During this year, we will take trips together, have overnights, do projects to earn Try-its and Petals, have ceremonies to show our accomplishments and lift each other up in spirit. This website will keep everyone informed as to what is coming up on our schedule and also, keep everyone aware of what Badges we are currently working toward. I will try to keep up with posting schedules, events and brief summaries of our meetings or accomplishments. I hope everyone enjoys this and finds it to be helpful. I am open to any suggestions on how to make it better, so comment away! Thanks! Becky Copeland

1 comment:

zoies_mama said...

Hey Becky! This is a great idea.